More Mission. Less Trip.
Every year, thousands of churches, youth groups and organizations go on “Mission Trips.” They travel to beaches or large cities in the United States and exotic locations around the world. While these trips involve some level of mission work, they also serve as a summer camp experience or – in some instances – a vacation for those who participate and serve.
At Thumbprint Ministries, we are far more about the “mission” than the “trip.”
Changing the Servant and the Served
Thumbprint Ministries has a dramatic impact on the communities we serve. Widows, orphans and those less fortunate and suffering in our communities see God’s love in the projects we undertake with the help of local civic organizations. At the same time, participants grow in ways they never thought possible. At Thumbprint Ministries – and its Carolina Mountain Mission (CM2) which Thumbprint Ministries operates – we focus on changing the life of those we serve while changing the life of the servant.
Disconnect to Connect
There are more distractions today than ever before. It doesn’t matter if you’re a teen or adult, something is always competing for your time and attention. This is why Thumbprint Ministries strives to get youth groups, church groups and families to disconnect to connect. Without the glow of an electronic device, our participants have time to focus on a personal relationship with Christ, each other, and those they are serving – and it makes all the difference in the world.
Service Through Partnership
Our Mission
The mission of Thumbprint Ministries is to serve the needs of the local community by partnering with local organizations that help widows, orphans and the less fortunate while – simultaneously – bridging the gap between the giver and receiver for the glory of God. We do these things to develop mission-minded people who know Him and are willing to make Him known.
Want to know more?
Do you want to join us at Thumbprint Ministries? We’re here to help you get involved and answer your questions. Contact us today.
“I have never experienced anything remotely like this, and will never forget the magical week I spent in the North Carolina mountains. It was life changing. Not only did we help and touch numerous people, but they helped and touched us in return.”
– Erin Powe

Thirty Years of Ministry.
While Thumbprint Ministries nears its 10-Year Anniversary, it is the culmination of more than 30 years of ministry for its founders, Andy and Hannah Pifer. Called to the ministry three decades ago, Andy Pifer walks by James 1:27: This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father, to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. The Pifers have found that one of the most impactful experiences for people is a mission service project within a camp setting. Mission Trips change the way a modern-day student views the world. These experiences allow students to break down negative false perceptions they have about other classes, races, mankind, and – most importantly – God.

2021 Dates
Week One: July 18-24, 2021
Week Two: July 25-31, 2021
See God Working
“I have never been the same since that Thumbprint Ministries trip. My life is changed for the better. I am so very thankful for all the adventures I have had there because it has truly changed my life, forever. So much so that if God wants me to, when I get older, I want to be a missionary, full time.”
– Leilah Ruth

Thumbprint Ministries
P.O. Box 22428
Knoxville, TN 37933
andy.pifer@ thumbprintministiries.com